A cycling adventure to the North Cape
A project for the association "Hands Up For Down", which supports people with Down syndrome (WV) to get a fair chance in our society.
For the project Cafe house "Downtown" where in the future a gastronomic training for employees with Down syndrome of HUFD will be made possible, Reinhard pedals and crosses with his bike 8 countries in 8 weeks and covers 8000km. The goal of this adventurous bike trip of Reinhard is to collect donations for this project via "gofundme".
Via various social media channels Reinhard will take you along on this tour and at the end there will be a documentary about this extraordinary journey by bike.
Follow the journey via Polarsteps
Follow Reinhard live on his journey to the North Cape. Under the following link you can see many details, like the covered kilometers and a photo gallery.
Follow the journey via Facebook
You can also find out about the tour via our Facebook page.
Support Our Project With Your Donation!
Our goal is to raise € 80,000 for the Cafe Haus project "Downtown".
With your donations you can help to finance this project. All collected amounts will be used for the project in a 100% transparent and traceable way.
You have two options to donate.
Either directly to our association donation account "Hands Up For Down", or with a simple click on our "Donate" button.
Donation account:
Waldviertler Sparkasse Bank AG
IBAN: AT89 2027 2000 0087 3182
Purpose: "Cafe Downtown"
RB Region Waldviertel Mitte
IBAN: AT46 3299 0000 0131 8161
Purpose: "Cafe Downtown"

Status Quo: 30. Dezember/December 2024
Aktualisierung wird wöchentlich durchgeführt | Update is performed weekly
Vielen Dank an / Thank YOU To
Dan, Leo, Gerrit, Rudi, Reinhard, Karin, Karl, Starklb, Martin, Meinungsbild, Michael, Marc, Sarah, Thomas, Rainer, Petra, Florian, Sabine, Gerald, Schrittw., Kevin, Susanne, Stefan, Gasth.H., Katharina, Panda, Ilse, H.S., Margit, Johanna + Johannes, Harm Immobilien, Reinhard, Gismar, Martin B., Gabriele, Poly, Mathias, Andreas, Eva, Markus, Christian, Reinhard, Andree, Kati, Spenden aus "Roiten zeigt Vielfalt", Markenberg, leku, Marita, Magdalena, Florian, FAIRhome Immobilien GmbH, Andreas, Jugend Messern, Gerti, Christian, Angela, Mario, Wolfgang+Isabella, HOGE Bau - Gernot Hofegger, Marianne, Harald, Sandra, Julian, Daniela, W., Andra, V., Karin, Ch., ml28, Barbara, Phileas, Karin, Bernhard, Carsten, Michael, Klaus, Wiener Städtische Vers., Sparkasse Neunkirchen, Landesverband der NÖ Sparkassen, SC Zwickl Zwettl, SCU Kottes, Gerhard und Ingrid, Anton, Matthias und Maria, Richard und Erika, Brigitte und Friedrich, Gerrit, Supereintracht, Horst, Hans, Helene, Werner, Joachim, Romana, Guido, Spenden Melk, Franz und Maria, Hannes, Michi und Gerald, Viki, steenbucks, Immo 24/7, Dominika, Sonja + Josef, Johanna Kristina, Martina, Monika, Tatze bike-comonents, Gabriele, Thomas, Adolf, Patrick, Gabriele, Hypo NÖ Landesbank, Ingrid, Veronika, Michaela, Elisabeth, Barbara, Armin und Roswitha, Sparkasse Rappottenstein, Vroni, Gemeinde Waldenstein, Ingrid, Hundesportverein Waldviertel Mitte, Anton und Lucia, Ch. Wurzer GmbH, Schulmeister GmbH, Johannes, Lucia, Julia, Anna, Johanna und Johannes, Erlebnismuseumsverein Schönbach, Josef, Haarwunderland, Christian, Johann und Karin, Viktoria, Spende Workingspace Gars, Franz, Kath. Frauenbewegung Stift Zwettl, Heldenspiele 2023, Caritas Pfarre Treffling, Christian und Barbara, Olga, Gerlinde, the schoebi, Lisa, GeRu Handelsgmbh, Schönbacher Handels- und Transportges.mbH, WCTV- Waldensteiner Cabaret- und Theaterverein, Arnold und Sieglinde, Hairstyle Natascha, Schau auf die BIOkosmetik, Mario Rauch KFZ-Werkstatt & Spenglerei, Bäckerei Schmidl, Volksschule Golling, Angelika, s Versicherung, Franz und Gerlinde, Spenden Vernissage Sparkasse Zwettl, wb64, Völkerballverein Göpfritz/Wild, Steigenberger Hotel & Spa Krems, Spenden Stadthalle Zwettl, Emanuel, Basargruppe Martinsberg, Engelbrechtser Dorfgemeinschaft, Fachschule Zwettl Edelhof, Andrea, Johannes, Andreas, Lukas, Spenden-Flohmarkt Arbesbach, Richard, Reinhard, WKO NÖ, Waldviertler Spk Rappottenstein

Kathrin Jungwirth
My husband and I have already hired two employees with Down syndrome in our company "Jungwirth Beton".
The many positive experiences from this, let us think further.
So that people with Down syndrome can also find a connection to society, we would like to run a café in Rappottenstein together with them.
We want to get them into jobs that are subject to social insurance contributions or offer young people appropriate training, which will make it easier for them to gain a foothold in the job market in their future lives.

Reinhard Carda
I have been cycling tours through Europe since 2011.
After watching the movie Biking Borders (Charity bike tour Berlin - Beijing) in 2021, it was clear to me that my next trip should be to collect donations. It should be in project in front of our doorstep where you can observe and follow the development well.
In search of such a project that I would like to support I came across the association Hands up for Down. The idea to open a cafe in Rapottenstein to enable people with Down syndrome an employment and subsequently an education I find sensational.

The starting signal was on 05. MaY 2023
The return was on 09 July 2023 in Melk